Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Photo Update :-)

Angel got a new motorcycle and Brayden loves to sit on it! He is all smiles when he is with his daddy :-)

Monday, July 12, 2010

9 months already!

Wow! I haven't updated in a long time! Brayden just had his 9 month check up last week and he is growing like a weed! He is 30 inches tall (95th percentile!) and 20lbs 14oz (57th percentile).
He is going to be walking anyday now! He will walk while holding onto the furniture and pulls himself up on everything! We are always chasing him around :-) He has eight teeth now and is eating lots of new foods. He says "Dadda", "Mamma", "Babba"(bottle).
His hair is getting longer and it is so curly! I think it is partly due to the humidity here, but it's cute either way!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Brayden has been a pure joy! He has so much personality and so many facial expressions. It melts my heart to see him smile & hear him laugh... which he does all the time :-)
At his two month check up he weighed 11 lbs 15oz, and was 24 inches long! Mama's big boy! He had to get three shots and he did really well. He barely even flinched for the first two, but the last one made him VERY upset :-( He was fine a few minutes later though. What a champ!
He is able to stand up and bear all his weight on his legs(when someone is holding him to steady him). He can hold his head up now w/out any support! He is so strong! He also found his hands and loves to suck his thumb! So cute!

Brayden 2 Months!

Brayden on December 6th, 2 Months old! :-)

Brayden 1 Month!

Here is Brayden on November 6th... One Month old!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What an experience!

As you know our beautiful baby boy, Brayden Cai, was born on October 6th! Wow, what an experience!

On October 5th at 10:30pm my water broke when I was home w/ Angel and my mum, Joyce. Angel called the hospital and they said to come on in! We arrived at the hospital around midnight and I was checked in and in our room in about 5 minutes. We were the only people on the OB ward, which was really nice. I was having contractions about 5-6 minutes apart, but they were not consistent. So my mum and Angel went to bed and I watched TV as my contractions got closer together, more consistent & more intense! At around 3am I was given Nubane for the pain so I could rest and get some sleep. It really helped w/ the contractions, but I couldn’t sleep at all. I was way too anxious. At 7am my doctor came to the hospital and checked me, and I was only 2.5 centimeters dilated. My doctor decided to start the Pitocin to induce my labor more. After that my contractions became very intense and all I wanted was the intrathecal pain medicine (they didn’t do epidurals at my hospital and this was the closest to one). My doc told me that they can’t give me one until I am 4 cent. dilated, so she checked me and I was only 3. At 12:30pm I was checked again and I was 4! Yay! So they called the anesthesiologist and at around 1pm they came in and tried to do the Inrathecal. After poking my spine w/ a needle a million times and two different anesthesiologists, they decided it was too dangerous to continue b/c they kept hitting nerves and I could feel it in my legs… so no drugs for Krystle! At that point I just wanted to lie back down, so I didn’t care. I continued to labor for another 6 hours without any pain medication; I really don’t know how I did it. I just kept breathing! My mum and Angel were really great too. At about 7pm I was finally fully dilated and I felt like I had to push! I continued to push for the next 2 hours! and no baby! At 9pm my doctor told me that the baby was just too big and I would need to have a c-section. I was in so much pain that I would have done anything to get the baby out at that point! Between 9pm and 10pm was the worst pain I’d ever felt. I felt like I needed to push, but couldn’t. I couldn’t even control my breathing anymore. The doctors told me that I might have to be put to sleep for the surgery because the spinal block that is given to numb me is given the same way as the intrathecal. If this were to happen, then Angel would not be allowed in the room. Angel was not happy about this at all! So the surgeon decided that he would try one time to do the spinal and if it didn’t work, then they would put me to sleep. So I finally get rolled into the operating room and the doctor tries only two times and gets it! I instantly start to go numb! I told the doctor that I loved him! Lol! So, they got me all ready and brought Angel in and at 10:46pm I heard the most beautiful cry I had ever heard! My son, Brayden came into this world weighing a whopping 9lbs11oz! No wonder I couldn’t deliver him myself! Angel couldn’t stop smiling, he was so proud! My mum went back to the nursery w/ my doctor and Brayden and Angel stayed w/ me until they finished my surgery. I went to ICU to recover and Angel went to be w/ Brayden. After an hour in ICU, I was able to go back to my room and at about 12:30am on Oct 7th I got to hold my amazingly handsome baby boy!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Brayden Cai Gomez

October 6th, 2009
@ 10:46pm
9Lbs 11Oz
22 Inches long